Results for "C"

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  Title Copies
Cyclone-Resistant Facades: best practices in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, and the Philippines 
Year: 2019 
ISBN 13: 9780939493692 
Cure for the common life : living in your sweet spot 
Year: 2006 
ISBN 13: 9780849900082 
Cubi Point Redevelopment 
Year: 1995 
Cuban elegance 
Year: 2004 
ISBN: 810943379 
Call No: NK 2474 C66 2004 
Crown jewel of Texas: the story of San Antonio's river 
Year: 1997 
ISBN: 965150720 
Crossroads, hamlet, village, town: Design characters of traditional neighborhoods, old and new: RN 523-524 
Year: 2004 
ISBN 13: 9781884829963 
Crossroads, hamlet, village, town: design characteristics of traditional neighborhoods, old and new 
Year: 1999 
ISBN: 1884829333 
Critical architecture and contemporary culture 
Year: 1994 
ISBN: 195078195 
Creating walkable places : compact mixed-use solutions 
Year: 2006 
ISBN 13: 9780874209389 
Call No: HT 167 S264 2006 
Creating value : smart development and green design 
Year: 2007 
ISBN 13: 9780874200751