Results for "M"

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  Title Copies
Michael Graves, building and projects, 1982-1989 
Year: 1990 
ISBN: 910413177 
Marinas and small craft harbors 
Year: 1991 
Material Innovation : architecture 
Year: 2014 
ISBN 13: 9780500291283 
Call No: TA 403 D46 2014 
Marketing asian places : attracting investment, industry, and tourism to cities, states and nations 
Year: 2002 
ISBN: 471479136 
Meeting the big box challenge: Planning, design, and regulatory strategies: RN 537 
Year: 2006 
ISBN 13: 9781932364255 
Megapolitan America: A new vision for understanding America's metropolitan geography 
Year: 2011 
ISBN 13: 9781932364972 
Call No: HT 334 N36 2011 
Metamorphosis: the imaginative book of home decoration 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 8481852252 
Call No: NK 1700 M47 2000 
Multifamily housing development handbook 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 874208696 
Mixed-use development handbook 
Year: 1987 
ISBN: 764109081 
Call No: NA 200 H63 2000 
Moving beyond gridlock : traffic and development 
Year: 1997 
ISBN: 874208033